Saturday, March 24, 2012

So going back to the begining. What is really me, what do I really like, what is really important. MUSIC lol It is really in my blood. I have a song in my head at all times. Music can make me cry, helps me when I am angry. I use to play the piano for hours at a time everyday. I was not the child you had to beg to practise. If I was angry, I played even longer. I love to sing. I can express my self in song so easy. You can gauge how much I trust a person by how much I am willing to sing in front of them. Church songs are easy, its the singing at the top of my lungs with all my heart and who cares if I am hitting it right or not that I am talking about. If I can do that in front of you... chances are that I trust you 100% I love listening to a sax. I knew a couple of guys growing up that could play a sax and make me feel warm all over :) That's probably when I first realized that Music is sexy too. I love a good trumpet too and I am not saying that because I use to play... or am I? :) Brass kicks Ass was my motto growing up. Jazz band, Marching band, all filled with great memories and highs that you can only get by performing in front of an audience and knowing you nailed it! Yes Music is definitely a big part of who I am, which makes me wonder why I stopped playing? When did that desire die? Or did I just pack it a way for a while because I am still singing and playing the stereo loud.
Camping and the outdoors. I love to be camping. I love it even more if we are up in the mountains and far from regular life. I love to listen to the wind in the trees (aspens are my favorite) water bubbling. My favorite trip was up in the Uintas Mountains. We went up after my senior year. It was beautiful. I have to laugh because I had a pack that weighed almost 100 pounds because I packed in ravioli and spaghetios for my dinners. It was an amazing trip. We hiked up to the continental divide and it started snowing! I remember feeling like I was blessed to be able to see such beauty and wanting to stay forever.
I had did stuff like that all the time for the next few years. In fact the one quarter I attended Utah State, I think I dragged Justin through Logan Cave three times and on numerous hikes through the canyon including one that I had an unfortunate run in with a deer fly that caused my hand to swell.
Sports, I was the only girl on the basketball league in New York. I played anyway because I loved it! Flag football, I couldnt wait for Thanksgiving because that meant a good game of flag football! Swimming, love the water. I am happy just floating. There is something soothing about being surrounded by water and watching the sun glisten off the top. My favorite thoush is the feeling when you dive down and swim across the bottom and then come up for air. When I was younger I would picture how it must feel if I was a dolphin and wouldnt it be great to jump out and come back down. Favorite water memory.... Living in New York at West Point and finally getting up the courage to jump off the 18 foot platform. It was amazing! Fall through the air and then hit the water. I spent the whole summer doing that. (black and blue arms because I would forget to keep them down) Do my children know that person? I hope so and if not I think they will by the time they are ready to leave.

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